
As an artist you face the fact of needing support for your further work from time to time. Therefore we are here.

If you are searching for a new material or a new combination of material our specialists will be the right address.
Furtheron we can help you in terms of static, mechanic and IT


Following your strong interest of arts you want to share it wth oothers. You can provide the space for an exhibition.

We will curate the show for you following your main focus.

Networking with artists from all over the world we will present you a preselection of works


You resp. your company wish to have a full service set up.

We work following your requirements and will present you the complete exhibition at the desired date.

This includes invitations, public realtions, vernissage and finissage


The new work is becoming more precise, the first preparatory work has been implemented.
However, the available material offer does not correspond to the desired impression.
We help the artist find the right material or material mix.If no suitable substance is available, we develop this together with the artist.

During the construction of the exhibition in Tokyo, difficulties arise in the realization. There are not enough hanging points, no new ones may be added to the existing building structure.We develop solutions for the required resources.

A museum offers the artist a multimedial presentation place. We help with implementation in all questions (hardware and software, design of the presentation environment)


We work out the exhibition concept in accordance with your specifications or our own proposals and plan the necessary workflows.
For the implementation, your team or the external art handling will receive the necessary documentation.


grounded offers you a comprehensive exhibition service.

We are looking for the suitable rooms, if they are not available in your own house. Our team will work out the concept and the overall logitics for the implementation and also after the show the removal and the dismantling.


We collaborate with a wide range of curators and art historians, who have been already accompanying numerous exhibitions


We are provided by a wide network of artists working in differnt disciplines we can introduce to you


As soon as the concept has been developed the technical requirements for the implementation are worked out and handed over to the appropriate trades


We coordinate the work processes of the participating disciplines, realize the transport and removal of the artwork, and negotiate with the insurances to provide the necessary protection

Art Handling

Our art handling team received the knightly impact from the curator of the Guggenheim N.Y .: he went out to eat, instead of supervising the setup


Both in print and online media, the exhibition is announced and comprehensive information material on the relevant platforms provided.


Deichtorhallen Hamburg - ZKM Karlsruhe - Jason Rhoades - Sammlung Würth - Kunstmuseum Bonn - Headlands Center for the Arts - Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg - HafenART Rendsburg - photo.kunst.raum. Hamburg - u.a.

grounded GmbH

Wieland Beck

Heussweg 75
D-20255 Hamburg

fon +49 177 66 941 57 -